Yogyakarta’s key activities - Azimuth Adventure Travel Ltd
Yogyakarta’s key activities

Yogyakarta’s key activities

Mar 14 2024

With a rich and important historical past, Yogyakarta is one of Indonesia's main cultural centers. Located in the center of the island of Java, the city contains a host of historical monuments, housed in sumptuous landscapes. A leading tourist destination, Yogya offers a wide choice of activities. So as not to miss its main attractions, we offer you a list of activities to do in Yogyakarta.


Visit Kraton and Taman Sari


Capital of the ancient empires of Mataram and symbol of the rise of Javanese art and the court, we cannot talk about Yogyakarta without referring to the Sultan's palace called Kraton or Keraton in Indonesian. So, also consider going to Taman Sari, the ancient aquatic garden southwest of Kraton. Visiting these two sites is usually the first stop on a wonderful trip to Yogyakarta.




  Yogyakarta’s key activities  


Kraton is surely the main attraction of the city of Yogyakarta. This royal residence is a strong symbol of the successive dynasties in the region. It is distinguished by its grandeur and architectural beauty. In addition, according to Javanese beliefs, the Kraton is also the center of the cosmos. A relatively recent monument, its construction began in 1755, during the reign of Hamengkubuwono I and lasted for forty years. Within it is a museum dedicated to Javanese culture. The palace offers a traditional dance show every morning, between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m.


Taman Sari


  Yogyakarta’s key activities  


The Taman Sari Gardens are located near the Kraton. Like the latter, his construction project was developed under Hamengkubuwono I. However, it was abandoned upon the death of the king. During the colonial era, the Dutch took renewed interest in it, fascinated by the architecture of the complex. It stands out for its pleasantly landscaped pools and parks. Its fountains, each as beautiful as the next, have earned it the nickname “Château d’Eau” or “Water Palace”. Basically, the residence served as a place of relaxation and rest for the Sultan.


Tour the temples


  Yogyakarta’s key activities  


In Yogyakarta as in its region, you will have the opportunity to visit some historic temples. A true testimony to Java's Buddhist and Hindu past, the most popular buildings remain the following:


  • Borobudur: This Buddhist temple is home to the famous Kedung Kayang waterfall.
  • Prambanan: also called “Candi Lara Jonggrang”, this Hindu complex includes 240 Shivaite temples.
  • The Ratu Boko temple: this pagoda displays splendid pavilions, beautiful swimming pools and a crematorium. Tourists and locals gather there at the end of the day to admire the sunset.
  • Candi Kalasan: also called “Tara Temple”, this Buddhist shrine turns out to be the oldest temple in Yogyakarta.
  • Candi Barong: it is a Hindu temple renowned for its numerous terraces.


Indulge in shopping


In Yogyakarta, shopping enthusiasts can indulge in their favorite activity at two main locations: Beringharjo Market and Malioboro Street.


Beringharjo market


  Yogyakarta’s key activities  


Beringharjo Market is the main market in Yogyakarta. In this immense place, find a wide range of products: vegetables, fruits, spices, clothes, etc. It’s the perfect place to get some souvenirs. Take advantage of your shopping to find a piece of batik clothing, a piece of fabric with traditional Indonesian patterns.


Malioboro Street


  Yogyakarta’s key activities  


Additionally, a quick trip to the Indonesian Champs-Elysée is a must! Indeed, the Malioboro Street boutiques also offer a wide choice of items to please your loved ones. Come and get lost in the many stands and don’t forget to haggle with the sellers!


Walking around the city

  Yogyakarta’s key activities  

The becak is one of the main means of transportation in Yogyakarta. In fact, it is an atypical cycle rickshaw composed of a bicycle at the back and a passenger compartment at the front. This arrangement allows the traveler to enjoy a clear view during a walk.


Example of disco cars


Additionally, in the Alun-Alun Selatan Kraton district, you will come across strange glowing cars, sometimes decorated with images of famous people like Hello Kitty. These are in fact “bling-bling cars”, also called “neon nightclub cars”. These vehicles were made from the framework of Beetles, Kombis and other automobile remains. Just for fun, board a bling-bling car and travel around the area in joy and good humor.


Admire the street art of Yogyakarta


Furthermore, certain neighborhoods of Yogyakarta are covered with beautiful urban frescoes and graffiti. These works of street art give the areas a character similar to Harlem. They are present in abundance in two areas:


The alleys behind Taman Sari

The Prawirotaman district

In conclusion, we invite you to take your camera and go discover the work of local artists!


Our tours to discover Yogyakarta and its region:


  • Discovery of Yogyakarta & Crossing of East Java
  • Between Temples and Volcanoes, a Javanese story
  • Funeral rites Toraja & Majestic volcanoes of Java


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