Which island to choose for a trek in Indonesia? - Azimuth Adventure Travel Ltd
Which island to choose for a trek in Indonesia?

Which island to choose for a trek in Indonesia?

Mar 18 2024

National parks, dozens of volcanoes, tropical jungle and wildlife... The Indonesian islands are the dream place for travelers thirsting for adventure and freedom. From Java to Sumatra via Bali and Indonesian Papua, discover our favorites for hiking and enjoying a sporting trip close to nature. Quickly find out which island to choose for a trek in Indonesia…


1.     The island of Java for its volcanic climbs

  Which island to choose for a trek in Indonesia?  


Explosions, fiery clouds, lava flows, lakes of acid or molten sulfur... No doubt, the island of Java is a volcanologist's paradise. It must be said, the island has 45 volcanoes alone! So if you are looking for trekking and adventure sites, Java is for you! Among the most spectacular climbs, we recommend Mount Semeru and its 3,676 meters of altitude which makes it the highest volcano in Java. The most popular volcano for trekking in Java is Mount Bromo which peaks at 2,329 meters and fascinates with its lunar landscapes. As for Merapi (2,900 meters above sea level), it is the most active volcano in Indonesia and one of the most popular sites for adventurers. Finally, don't miss Kawah Ijen and its lake with turquoise waters. You will see the famous sulfur carriers who make this site a must for a trip to Indonesia.


Do you want to go to Java to discover the most beautiful volcanoes? Discover our adventure tours with treks and hikes perfect for facing the volcanoes of Java:


  • Ascents of the Semeru and Bromo volcanoes
  • East Java Volcano
  • East Java: Bromo Volcano & Kawah Ijen


2.     The island of Bali to combine volcanoes, rice fields, lakes and waterfalls

  Which island to choose for a trek in Indonesia?  


With its idyllic landscapes and extraordinary culture, it is no wonder that Bali is one of the favorite destinations for travelers. On the Island of the Gods, you can, in fact, combine different types of trekking to vary the pleasures. On the one hand, you can climb Mounts Agung and Batur. The first volcano with an altitude of 3,142 meters is the highest and most revered mountain in Bali and the second, located in the Kintamani Mountains, is renowned for offering one of the most beautiful sunrises in Indonesia. Beyond the volcanoes, you can take hikes through tropical forests and rice terraces like the classified one of Jatiluwih. Without forgetting the incredible waterfalls like those of Munduk and the volcanic lakes Tamblingan and Buyan which will also be an opportunity, through treks and hikes, to discover local agricultural and cultural life.


You too can enjoy a stay in Bali to go on splendid hikes in the great outdoors with our La Transbalinaise circuit.



3.     The island of Sumatra for trekking in the middle of the jungle

  Which island to choose for a trek in Indonesia?  


If you want an island rich in wild flora and fauna, head to the island of Sumatra! Fifth largest island in the world, it offers unspoiled and very wild nature! It is also one of the last places in the world where we can still observe orangutans in their natural environment. To do this, go to the Gunung Leuser National Park and its rehabilitation center in Bukit Lawang where you can do a several-day trek in the middle of the jungle. Another must-see in Sumatra for hiking enthusiasts: the Kerinci volcano region. Often nicknamed “the secret valley of Sumatra”, there is Mount Kerinci, the highest volcano in Indonesia (3,805 meters above sea level) and one of the most difficult to climb. In any case, the Kerinci-Seblat national park is an opportunity to hike far from the tourist crowds by discovering its immense tea, cinnamon, coffee and orange tree plantations, its lakes and waterfalls and its small authentic villages...


Get off the beaten track with our Sumatra: the secret valley tour, you won't be disappointed!


4.     Papua to meet local people

  Which island to choose for a trek in Indonesia?  


We end with one of the last adventure lands in Southeast Asia: Indonesian Papua. Renowned for being difficult to access, the mountain ranges that make up the island are populated by numerous mountain ethnic groups such as the Una, the Yali & the Dani. These people with tribal traditions have preserved an ancestral way of life that you can discover by going to meet them during treks and hikes. One thing is certain, these experiences will mark you forever. The most daring adventurers can also embark on the expedition to the Carstensz pyramid. Culminating at 4,884 m, it is the highest peak in Indonesia and Oceania, which makes it one of the “7 mythical peaks” that every mountaineer dreams of climbing once in their life.



Meet the people of Papua unforgettablely with our Papua circuit: immersion among the Una, Yali & Dani or the Papua circuit: Dani tribes of the Baliem valley. For trekking enthusiasts, try our Papua tour: expedition to the mythical Carstensz pyramid.


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