The most beautiful volcanoes in Indonesia - Azimuth Adventure Travel Ltd
The most beautiful volcanoes in Indonesia

The most beautiful volcanoes in Indonesia

Mar 14 2024

If for a trip to Indonesia many think of taking it easy on the beaches, others like to take advantage of the incredible geological formations of the country to discover the most incredible things the land has to offer. We no longer hide it, Indonesia is a land of volcanoes: 400 are recorded there, 70 of which are still active, enough to make all volcanologists green with envy.


The increased presence of volcanoes and their very particular characteristics offer Indonesia a range of landscapes as rich as they are varied and undoubtedly explain the luxuriant nature of which it alone has the secrets. Zoom here on the most beautiful volcanoes in Indonesia, from Java to Sumatra via Bali.


Mount Batur Kintamani, Bali


  The most beautiful volcanoes in Indonesia  

Mount Batur is an active volcano in Bali renowned for its magnificent sunrise. It is very popular with travelers and trekkers since it is possible to reach its summit and descend to its foot in just 4 or 7 hours. The ascent is mainly done at night in order to reach the top to watch the sunrise. Culminating at 1,717 meters above sea level, Mount Batur offers incredible panoramic views of the surrounding area.


Kawah Ijen, East Java

  The most beautiful volcanoes in Indonesia  

 The Kawah ljen volcano is located in the far east of the island of Java. This Indonesian volcano is well known to volcanologists and arouses the curiosity of a large number of travelers because of its blue lava which can be observed at night. This particular blue color can be explained by the sulfur vapors escaping from the crater and its acid lake.


Although the ascent at night can be tiring, the spectacle is no less fascinating. At Kawah Ijen, you will come across sulfur carriers, barefoot or in flip-flops, calmly going up the slope with their baskets on their backs.


Mount Bromo, East Java


The most beautiful volcanoes in Indonesia  

 Located on the island of Java, Mount Bromo is one of the most active volcanoes in the world, but also one of the most visited. It is one of the emblematic mountains of Indonesia due to its incomparable beauty, especially at sunrise.


It is not on Mount Bromo that travelers try night hiking but on the surrounding mountains. The proposed paths are relatively easy and are mainly done at night, by the light of headlamps, in order to be able to witness the incredible spectacle offered by the first lights of day on the massif, the Cemoro Lawang plateau and the surrounding mountains. .


Mount Merapi, East Java

  The most beautiful volcanoes in Indonesia  

You have the opportunity to see Mount Merapi on the island of Java, north of Yogyakarta. Culminating at 2,900 meters above sea level, it is included in the list of the most dangerous active volcanoes in the Indonesian archipelago, along with Krakatau. Mérapi is also one of the favorite playgrounds for trekking enthusiasts. Indeed, the path which leads to its summit is steep and trying; but the landscapes that surround it are majestic. Note that it takes around 7 hours to go up and down this volcano.


Mount Krakatau, West Java

  The most beautiful volcanoes in Indonesia  

Mount Krakatau is a volcanic island in Java. To be more precise about its location, it is located in the Sunda Strait, between Java and Sumatra. It is one of the most dangerous active volcanoes in Indonesia. Indeed, when it erupted in 1883, it caused significant damage. That said, it is very pleasant to climb it, because it only takes 1 hour to climb it and 1 hour to return to its base.


Mount Rinjani, Lombok


  The most beautiful volcanoes in Indonesia  


It is on the island of Lombok that you will find Mount Rinjani. Culminating at 3,726 meters above sea level, it is the second highest volcano in Indonesia, behind Kerinci. It is very difficult to climb this mountain, because the path to its summit is not only long, but also keeps going uphill. It takes 2 days and 1 night to reach the edge of its crater (return included); and 3 days and 2 nights, or even 4 days and 3 nights, to reach its summit (return included). However, after a hard and long journey, you reach magical landscapes worthy of the best science fiction films like Game Of Thrones or The Lord of the Rings.


Mount Kerinci, Jambi, Sumatra

  The most beautiful volcanoes in Indonesia  

 With an altitude of 3,805 meters, Mount Kerenci is the highest volcano in Indonesia. It is included in the list of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia and the most difficult to climb. So, to get to its summit, it takes at least 2 days of walking. However, the adventure is worth it, because to reach the tip of the mountain, you have to cross the jungle of Kerinci Seblat National Park. It conceals many wonders, not to mention the Sumatran tigers and rhinoceroses. You can also discover several species of primates and rare birds there.


Mount Agung, Bali


  The most beautiful volcanoes in Indonesia  

 Mount Agung is getting a lot of attention at the moment because of the heavy smoke it has been letting out for several weeks now. The Agung volcano watches over Bali from its height of 3,142 meters. The highest peak on the island, Mount Agung is a truly sacred place for the local population.


Its ascent takes you through forests, home to many wild animals. Several hiking trails are possible, it's up to you to choose the one that suits you best.


Tambora, Sumbawa Island


  The most beautiful volcanoes in Indonesia  


Located on the island of Sumbawa, Tambora is a still active stratovolcano which recorded the most violent volcanic eruption ever known in 1815. The volcano rises to 2,857 meters above sea level and dominates the entire island.


To reach the still smoking crater of the volcano, the ascent will take you through lush vegetation. Departures are from the village of Pancasila.


Mount Semuru, Java


  The most beautiful volcanoes in Indonesia  


The highest volcano on the island of Java, Mount Semuru towers at 3,676 meters. Located in the heart of Bromo Tengger National Park, Semuru ranks as the most active volcano in Indonesia due to its frequent small eruptions.


Good physical condition is necessary to reach the highest point of the volcano. Its ascent is difficult and the fly ash in the air adds difficulty. Nevertheless, the view from the summit is incredible and rewards all the efforts made.


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