The 10 Best Treks in Indonesia - Azimuth Adventure Travel Ltd
The 10 Best Treks in Indonesia

The 10 Best Treks in Indonesia

Mar 18 2024

The Indonesian archipelago has more than 17,000 islands. The country is one of the favorite destinations for trekking enthusiasts and the ascent of volcanoes is very popular with adventurers. But the Indonesian territory, as vast as Europe, also offers the possibility of discovering other preserved spots, allowing immersion, alongside local populations, in sumptuous nature. I therefore offer you my top 10 of the best treks in Indonesia, below.


10) The Heights of Bali

  The 10 Best Treks in Indonesia  


Far from the mass tourism that we experience particularly in the south of the island, the heights of Bali allow for example an extraordinary crossing on foot of the cultural and historical heart of the Island of the Gods. There, traditional villages, temples, rice fields and forests are still preserved and nature is still wild. In the middle lie two active volcanoes, Mt Batur (1,717 m) and Mt Agung (3,142 m), which can also be climbed.


If you want to discover the heights of Bali, we invite you to discover the Transbalinaise circuit


This real trek in the heart of grandiose landscapes and Balinese culture is the pretext for a great crossing of Bali from west to east, from village to village, from temple to temple, between volcanoes, rice terraces, volcanic lakes and tropical forests. The summits of the island's two active volcanoes, Mount Batur (1717m) and Mount Agung (3142m), are also included in the program.


9) The Tambora Volcano

  The 10 Best Treks in Indonesia  


The eruption of the Tambora volcano (2,850 m – Sumbawa), in 1815, remains considered one of the most violent and deadly in history. It was also the clouds of ash that caused the “sunless summer” of 1816 in Europe. The volcano has since fallen asleep and it is logical that it still remains little frequented, in particular because of the difficulty of access. Its ascent requires at least 2 days through thick and dense jungle, and only experts venture there. At the summit, the dimensions of the caldera, which was created after this famous eruption, are however impressive, and the most courageous sometimes decide to descend into the crater.


8) The Kerinci Volcano

  The 10 Best Treks in Indonesia  


In the middle of the Sumatran jungle, home to the last tigers, elephants and orangutans on the planet, lies the Kerinci volcano (3,805 m). Needless to say, the climb, on permanently muddy and slippery paths, is not fun. Your “pain” fades at the top, however, because you simply arrive on the “roof of the world”, where a large part of Sumatra kneels at your feet!


7) The Toraja Country

  The 10 Best Treks in Indonesia  


On the island of Sulawesi, formerly called Celebes, the Toraja people are renowned for their unique funeral rites and boat-shaped architecture. In the Toraja mountains, the landscapes are preserved, nature is dense and very green, and blends perfectly with local habits and customs. Crossing the Toraja country on foot is therefore a real journey into another world, another time.


Discover the Toraja country, during our Trek and Immersion stay in the Toraja country


6) Merapi Volcano

  The 10 Best Treks in Indonesia   


Merapi is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. It is also one of the most closely monitored, because many Javanese people live at its feet or on its sides (where the land is very fertile), despite regular eruptions. The last one dates back to November 2010 and caused the death of more than 350 people, including the famous “keeper of the keys” of the volcano, Mbah Marijan.


The typical ascent begins from the village of Selo, on the northern flanks of the volcano, and is carried out at night, in order to reach the summit (at 2,900 m) a little before sunrise. The more adventurous sometimes choose to leave from Babadan (west flanks), in particular to follow the lava flows from the 1998 eruption, and thus have a better overview of the volcanic activity.


Climb Mérapi, with our East Java Volcanoes circuit


5) Tengger Caldera (Mt Bromo) & Semeru Volcano

  The 10 Best Treks in Indonesia  


Very accessible, the Bromo volcano is very popular with tourists, both Indonesian and foreign. However, it remains unmissable due to the “lunar” landscapes that the entire caldera (which surrounds it) offers. From the top of Mt Pananjakan (2,800 m), it is common for visitors to flock in 4x4s, shortly before sunrise, to admire the Bromo volcano, smoking alongside Mt Batok, with the majestic Mt Semeru ( the highest volcano in Java, which rises to 3,675 m) in the background. Real postcard image.


The ascent of the Semeru volcano takes a minimum of 2 days and requires excellent physical condition, as its slopes are steep. At the summit (a large promontory which dominates the crater, located at around 200 m), the observation of the frequent degassing is impressive, especially if the deafening noise mixes with the blackish volutes which escape from the bowels of the volcano.


Azimuth invites you to climb the Bromo and Semeru volcanoes with the following circuit


4) Kawah Ijen

  The 10 Best Treks in Indonesia  


Kawah Ijen, located in the far east of the island of Java, is famous for its sulfur carriers and its acid lake (the largest in the world). Hikers are getting up earlier and earlier, in order to reach the edge of the lake before sunrise and therefore be able to observe the gaseous and liquid sulfur, which, at night, sparkles with its phosphorescent blue color. In the belly of the volcano, the work of these “sulfur convicts” reminds us of Zola’s novels.


Most of our East Java tours will take you to the top of Kawah Ijen. One of our most popular programs is Smiles and Volcanoes, from Java to Bali


3) Komodo Monitor Lizards

  The 10 Best Treks in Indonesia   


The Komodo archipelago, wedged between Sumbawa and Flores, is home to the famous Komodo “dragons”, and hiking through its savannah and forests gives the impression of finding yourself in the middle of “Jurassik Park”. These reptiles that we come across are indeed from another time and their unpredictable nature (they remain dangerous animals) often makes the adrenaline rise. A must, therefore, but don't go there in high season, because this destination is increasingly crowded.


Many programs will take you hiking in Komodo National Park. For a complete visit to Indonesia, why not let yourself be tempted by our Java, Bali, Flores & Komodo tour: volcanoes, rites & dragons!


2) The Rinjani Volcano

  The 10 Best Treks in Indonesia  


With its 3,626 m altitude, Mt Rinjani is the second highest volcano in Indonesia (after the Kerinci volcano, at 3,805 m) and also requires at least 2 days to climb. The most courageous undertake it through the village of Senaru (on the southern slopes), and first cross a dense and humid jungle before reaching the edge of the caldera, which offers a magnificent landscape, dominated by Lake Segara Anak , the Baru volcano (“New” in Indonesian) and the summit of Rinjani, in the distance.


The journey is just as difficult as climbing the Semeru volcano, and it is therefore a question of being well prepared, both physically and logistically.


For the more daring, Azimuth invites you on an extraordinary adventure: Java, Bali & Lombok: mountains of fire


1)    The Baliem Valley

  The 10 Best Treks in Indonesia  


Indonesian Papua probably remains one of the last great adventure lands in the world. The mountain range that crosses the island in the middle is in fact one of the most difficult to access, and the populations who live on their flanks seem straight out of prehistory.


The Baliem valley is considered the “base camp” for all explorations of this region, and the Dani population, with ancestral agricultural techniques, knows how to perfectly welcome and guide the most adventurous travelers.


Hike in the Baliem Valley, and discover the Dani ethnic minority with our Papua tour: Dani tribes of the Baliem Valley



One of our travelers shares his experience in the Baliem valley with you in this trip report.


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